We had steady rain all day 01.09.24 followed by a cold and cloudy Friday. Today, the clouds are gone only to return tomorrow.

The solar photoshoot went well. Today’s H-alpha image of the sun shows fewer active regions than during the past week; still, there are many filaments, plages, and prominences. There is a loop prominence along the southeastern solar limb, and the western limb shows a dramatic plume. Those are highlighted in the galleries at the bottom of this page. There are less dramatic prominences along the NW, NE, SW, and SE limbs.

The sunspot image below shows a number of active regions that have been the sources of recent flares.

The larger prominences are shown below.

I tried to capture the southern loop prominence by narrowing the area of interest (what the camera records) while overexposing the image. While this does bring out the prominence, I don’t think that it is an improvement over the cropped image above which shows more detail albeit more faintly.

Tomorrow, I may try to capture the entire disk overexposed to better show the prominences and then crop that. This kind of photography is a continuous learning journey that tests one’s resourcefulness and determination.

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